Johnny B's Garage Doors

A warehouse with commercial garage doors.
  • Commercial overhead doors are used in many industries, from local retail stores to enormous warehouses and recreational facilities.
  • Roll-up commercial doors are joined to an interior wall while in the down position, making them highly secure.
  • Insulated garage doors are designed to retain heat indoors where it belongs in the winter and cool air inside where it belongs in the summer.
  • High-speed garage doors allow businesses to open and close more quickly, reducing the time that temperature-sensitive products are exposed to extreme temperatures.
  • Fire-rated doors have increased strength and impact resistance. They can be equipped with a mechanism that allows them close automatically in case of fire.

When you own a company, you want things to go as smoothly as possible. Commercial garage doors play an important function in many businesses, allowing for the efficient transportation and storage of key corporate resources. Garage doors are used in various industries, from garages and warehouses to loading zones and hospitality spaces.

This blog by Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service will cover many types of garage doors, such as sectional, insulated, and security grille doors. We’ll also tell you what to look for when choosing a door for your business. Let’s get started!

Type 01: Overhead Commercial Doors

Commercial overhead doors are utilized in many industries, from local retail stores to enormous warehouses and recreational facilities. The design and structure of the items on the market vary significantly. As a company owner, you must investigate garage door choices to discover the best solution for your needs.

During the research phase, several factors must be considered, including functionality, vehicle access, durability, insulation, security, and speed of operation. While standard roller doors or sectional doors are ideal for garages and warehouses, emergency services require high-speed doors, financial and retail sectors require security doors, and heavy traffic work zones require impact-proof sectional doors.

Type 02: Commercial Roll-Up Doors

The name of roll-up doors refers to how they work. Roll-up doors are comprised of several thin slats that give the door flexibility and allow it to roll up into a coil. Roll-up doors fold up relatively little when not in use and might appear much tidier and more professional than other solutions.

Roll-up commercial doors are joined to an interior wall while in the down position, making them highly secure. These doors are frequently used as security gates at shops, where they may offer security at night while remaining out of sight during the day.

Type 03: Insulated Garage Door

Insulated garage doors are designed to retain heat indoors where it belongs in the winter and cool air inside where it belongs in the summer. This option is intended to keep you comfortable while lowering your company’s energy bills. These doors are stronger than standard commercial doors because, unlike standard doors, which have just one layer of material, these doors have many layers. This garage door may be the one for you if you want a strong alternative that will help you save money on energy.

Type 04: High-Speed Garage Doors

High-speed garage doors allow businesses to open and close more quickly. What is the significance of this? It reduces the time the door is open, which means your facility’s temperature will be more consistent and won’t pick up an excess cold or hot air. No one wants to lose all air-conditioned air to the summer heat because the garage door was left open for too long. These doors can help you save money on heating and cooling your building while protecting any temperature-sensitive products that may be kept inside.

Type 05: Fire-Rated Doors

This option operates similarly to a roll-up door and may be lifted or lowered manually or with a motor. As the name indicates, these doors have the extra benefit of providing additional fire protection. These doors are made of strong and sturdy stainless steel, making them fire-resistant. They can also be used to block out noise and offer insulation. Because of their functionality, these doors are commonly employed in parking garages, warehouses, mills, and distribution facilities. These doors can even be equipped with a mechanism that allows them to close automatically in the case of a fire for increased security.

Type 06: Doors with Security Grilles

Several garage door solutions are available, such as high-impact grille doors and other security items. These doors are intended to prevent unauthorized entrance, reduce the danger of theft and damage, and keep individuals safe and secure during a break-in. Dedicated roll-up security doors have increased strength and impact resistance, and many commercial overhead door solutions provide security features.

Selecting A Commercial Garage Door:

To choose the ideal door for your warehouse or garage, you must first consider how the door will be utilized. You won’t be able to narrow down your choices unless you answer the following four questions:

Question 01: How Will You Use This Door?

In other words, what will be the major purpose of the door? Consider if it will be opened and closed numerous times a day to transfer cars in and out and whether those trucks will transport equipment or cargo to be unloaded. Perhaps you only require a door to close off a garage or shed that is largely used for storage. Will clients and staff pass via this entryway frequently? Having a firm grasp of how the garage door will be utilized can help you determine what qualities you require in a door.

A gray commercial warehouse

Question 02: How Important Is the Door’s Appearance?

If the answer is “not important at all,” you may want to focus your search on more affordable and functional doors. But, if the door will be a primary point of entry for customers or clients, its appearance could influence their first impression of your business. While every garage door should be robust, some are more aesthetically beautiful than others.

Question 03: What Is My Budget for This Project?

While price should not be your only concern when selecting a garage door, we understand it will significantly influence your ultimate selection. That’s why it’s critical to determine your budget ahead of time so you don’t waste time looking at doors you can’t afford. Pay attention to the prices of various designs and materials while you conduct your study.

Final Thought:

Selecting the right garage door is essential to your business’s curb appeal and security. We hope this guide has helped you better understand the considerations you should make before selecting a commercial garage door for your business.

Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service has served clients in and around Weatherford for more than ten years. We have a skilled team ready to guide you through your garage door installation and then be your go-to for service and repairs for years to come.

Get a free estimate today!

7 Reasons why your garage door keypad is not working.

Key takeaways:

  • Garage door keypads are prone to breaking down like any other electrical device and can stop working for various reasons.
  • Some reasons why your garage door keypad may not work include: batteries are dead or dying; damaged or faulty wires; poor connectivity; malfunctioning buttons; the keypad needs reprogramming; incorrect pin; and you have an older model opener.
  • Most of these problems have relatively easy fixes that you can do yourself. However, if you feel uncomfortable or unable to do so, contact a professional for assistance.

One of the conveniences that many families rely on is the outside keypad for their garage door opener. You can enter your garage or house by remembering a simple code rather than carrying a real key. The keypad has become a need for busy families, particularly when children are dropped off by the school bus in the afternoon and enter through the garage.

However, like any other electrical device, they are prone to breaking down and can stop working for various reasons. Here are seven reasons why your garage door keypad may not work and how to fix them.

Reason 01: Batteries Are Dead or Dying

It appears to be a no-brainer, yet it is simple to ignore. Try replacing the garage door keypad batteries before you start experimenting with your garage door code or other difficult remedies. Think about when the last time you changed the keypad’s batteries. Keypads use batteries, and there is no warning when running low. Most versions will require a 9-volt or a 12-volt battery, readily available at your local hardware shop.

If you replace the battery and the garage keypad still does not function, you may need to reprogram the garage door keypad. You may need to go so far as to wipe the memory and reset the PIN.

Reason 02: Damaged or Faulty Wires

Garage door opener systems have many moving parts; over time, these parts can become worn out or dislodged. Wires are no exception. The garage door opener wiring runs from the control panel to the garage door opener motor. If any of these wires become damaged due to weather or a short circuit, it can cause the garage door keypad to stop working.

Examine the keypad to see whether the wires are broken. You must first remove the rear cover. Inspect the keys to ensure that the wires are securely attached. If the wires have come loose, reconnect them properly, replace the cover, and try to open the door again. If this does not work, contact a maintenance technician to inspect the wiring.

Reason 03: Poor Connectivity

If there is a problem with the opener’s receiver, it will not be able to receive signals from the remote or keypad. Check to see any obstructions between the opener and the transmitter. If there are, remove them. If that fails, move the opener closer to the transmitter. If you still cannot get the opener to work, contact a door repair technician for further assistance.

Reason 04: Malfunctioning Buttons

If you attempt all the above and nothing changes, faulty buttons might cause a garage door opener keypad not to work. You may test this by entering a four-digit code at random. This random number should not contain any digits from your code. For example, if your PIN is 7201. Choose a new number that does not include any of those characters, such as 9364. If this works, it indicates that one or more of your keypad buttons is failing. A buildup of debris might be one of the causes.

In addition, outdated keypads may have broken buttons. Over time, certain keys might become loose, making it difficult to open the garage door. Use an alcohol wipe or compressed air spray to clean the buttons. However, if this fails, you will require a replacement.

Reason 05: The Keypad Needs Reprogramming

Outside keypads and remotes frequently lose their programming. Circuit boards, like brains, can have occasional problems induced by power shortages or variations.

Determine the model of your automatic opener, remote, or keypad before conducting a fast web search. Several internet tutorials will lead you through the reprogramming process, or you can obtain the instructions from the manufacturer’s website. However, if you don’t feel comfortable programming the device, feel free to contact a professional.

Reason 06: Incorrect Pin

Do you have any doubts about the security code? Then it’s generally advisable to avoid putting it more than once. There is normally a restriction to how many times the code may be entered. Suppose you continue to enter the incorrect code. In that case, the keypad will be disabled as a security mechanism, similar to how credit cards function.

If you can’t recall the remote-control code, you’ll have to make one up. This is accomplished by pushing the learn button on the opener. It takes a few minutes to reset the new code. Replace the old code, and everything should be back to normal.

If this does not work, you must reset the complete machine. Rebooting your device will wipe all its memory. This includes any prior pin codes. This may be accomplished by turning off the garage opener and disconnecting it for roughly 5 minutes. When you reconnect it, you can enter a new security code.

If a reboot does not work, you will require expert assistance. You may need to replace the keypad. In some circumstances, a full system installation is necessary.

Garage door opener keypad.

Reason 07: You Have an Older Model Opener

Are you using a standard garage door keypad instead of one designed particularly for your garage door? Even “universal keypads” may not be compatible with all models. The only way to be sure is to check with the manufacturer or an expert. Sometimes your garage door is outdated, and a new system is required.

Final Thoughts:

Garage door keypads are vital for the security of your home. If yours is not working, don’t despair—there is likely a fix. By identifying the problem and taking action, your garage door can work optimally again in no time.

At Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service, serving Southlake, we provide residential garage doors in various sizes and styles to fit any property. Our crew adds many years of expertise and understanding to every work, so you can be confident that your new door will be properly fitted.

Get a free estimate today!

Two men install a garage door opener.

Key Takeaways:

  • Garage door gaps shouldn’t be delayed as they can result in your door being damaged by debris, wind, and animals. These can also let heat and cold air escape, making your home less comfortable and costing you more energy bills.
  • Lubricating the garage door’s moving parts helps keep them working smoothly and prevents them from rusting or getting damaged.
  • Checking the tracks for dents or scratches and the panels for cracks or other damage is essential as you’ll be able to get them repaired at the earliest.
  • Garage door safety checks should be performed at least once a year, but more often if you have young children or pets in the home.
  • A professional garage door servicing company can offer advice and guidance on what type of lubricant to use, how often to carry out checks, and what to do if you notice any problems.

It’s not uncommon for homeowners to neglect regular garage door maintenance. After all, it seems like a pretty minor task – and one that’s usually put off until “later.” But did you know that failing to maintain your garage door can lead to some costly repairs down the road?

It’s advised that you contact a trusted garage door repair service to avoid costly repairs. However, let’s discuss the importance of garage servicing so that you can realize its necessity and make a timely decision.

Garage Door Maintenance Tasks and Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Them?

Inspect For Gaps Between the Door and The Ground

Garage door gaps should never be wider than a few inches. Suppose your garage door has gaps that are wider than a few inches. In that case, it’s time to call a professional garage door repair company.

The reason why you shouldn’t delay this is that gaps wider than a few inches can result in your door being damaged by debris, wind, and animals. These gaps can also let heat and cold air escape, making your home less comfortable and costing you more energy bills.

Lubricate All Moving Parts

Another garage door maintenance task you should regularly do is lubricating all the moving parts. It includes the hinges, tracks, rollers, and springs.

It’s important because it helps keep these parts working smoothly and prevents them from rusting or getting damaged. It’s also essential to ensure that you use the correct type of lubricant.

Check For Damage

As part of your regular garage door servicing, you should also check for any damage that may have occurred. It includes checking the tracks for dents or scratches and the panels for cracks or other damage.

Getting it repaired as soon as possible is essential if you find any damage. Otherwise, the damage could worsen and eventually lead to the need for a new garage door.

Service Your Garage Door Opener

Another essential part of your garage door servicing is servicing your garage door opener. It should be done at least once a year and more frequently if you use it often.

To service your garage door opener, you’ll need to disconnect it from the power source. Then, you can clean the tracks and rollers with a rag or brush.

Next, you should oil all the moving parts to keep them lubricated. Finally, reconnect the opener to the power source and test it to ensure it’s working as intended.

Suppose you don’t feel comfortable servicing your garage door opener yourself. In that case, you must contact a garage door repair service to do it for you.

Safety Checks Are Essential.

Another important aspect of garage door servicing is safety checks. These should be done at least once a year, but more often if you have young children or pets in the home.

During a safety check, a technician will inspect the garage door opener to ensure it’s working correctly and that there are no loose parts. They will also check the garage door to ensure it’s balanced and functioning correctly.

The safety check is essential because it can help prevent accidents. If the garage door opener is not working correctly, it could cause the door to fall and injure someone. Additionally, if the garage door is unbalanced, it could come crashing unexpectedly.

Benefits Of Getting a Garage Door Maintenance


Your garage door is one of the most used entryways to your home. It must be in good working order so you can come and go as you choose.

Peace Of Mind

By regularly servicing your garage door, you can rest assured that it’s in good condition and less likely to break down when you most need it.


As mentioned earlier, a well-maintained garage door is a safer garage door for everyone. By having regular safety checks, you can help prevent accidents from happening.

Improved Performance

Over time, your garage door opener can start to wear down and not work as efficiently as it once did. Garage door maintenance can help improve its performance and extend its lifespan.

Avoidance Of Costly Repairs

You can avoid paying for costly repairs down the line by keeping on top of your garage door maintenance.

Two workers complete garage door maintenance

Higher Property Value

A well-maintained garage door can also add to the curb appeal of your home and, as a result, increase its value. According to 2022 data by Remodeling magazine, replacing a garage door gives you around 93.3% return on investment.

Reasons To Hire a Professional Garage Door Servicing Company.

It Saves Time and Money.

You might wonder if it’s worth hiring a professional garage door company to perform maintenance on your behalf. Yes! They will have the experience and expertise to do the work quickly and efficiently without any hitches.

Moreover, they will be able to spot any issues that you might not have noticed and fix them before they become serious problems.

If you’re interested in garage door replacement and repair costs, here’s a breakdown of the necessary expenses you might want to check out.

They Have a Team of Experts.

When you use a professional garage door servicing company, you can rest assured that your door is in safe hands.

Their team of experts will be able to carry out all the necessary checks and tests to ensure that your door is functioning correctly.

They Have the Appropriate Tools for The Job.

Another benefit of using a professional garage door company is having all the right tools for the job. It means they can carry out any necessary repairs or replacements without waiting for the parts to be delivered.

They Can Offer Advice and Guidance.

As well as carrying out the necessary maintenance on your garage door, a professional garage door servicing company can offer you advice and guidance on keeping it in good working order.

They can advise you on what type of lubricant to use, how often to carry out checks, and what to do if you notice any problems. It can ensure that it is safe and secure for everyone.

Trust our professionals at Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service in Fort Worth, TX, to provide reliable and affordable garage door repair and replacement services.

Get a free estimate today!

Common commercial garage door issues and repairs.

Key Takeaways:

  • If your garage door is malfunctioning, it’s important to know what steps to take and whether it’s safe to keep using your garage door.
  • This blog post covers common commercial garage door repairs and overhead door issues, so you’ll be prepared if something goes wrong.
  • We also provide some safety tips on using your garage door until you can repair it.
  • If you require repairs in Arlington, TX, Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service is the company to call!

It’s inevitable. Someday, your garage door is going to break down. Unless you’re one of those few lucky people with a spare room that can double as a garage, you’ll have to call in a maintenance specialist at some point. But what should you do in the meantime? Is it safe to keep using your garage door if it’s malfunctioning? This blog post discusses common commercial garage door repairs and maintenance issues, so you’ll know what steps to take if something goes wrong. We’ll also provide some safety tips on how to use your garage door until you can get it repaired.

Common Garage Door Repair Problems

Misaligned Tracks

The tracks your garage door rides on can become misaligned, causing the door to get stuck or not open and close properly. You can usually tell if the tracks are misaligned if you see gaps between the rollers and the tracks. Fixing the problem involves loosening the screws or bolts that hold the tracks in place and tapping the tracks back into alignment. You may also need to file down some rough edges.

Dented Sections and Panels

If your door is made of wood, it is susceptible to dents and scratches. Additionally, the panels can deteriorate due to changes in temperature and humidity and begin to warp over time, presenting an ungainly sight and hindering smooth garage door operations. You can fix this by replacing the damaged sections or panels.

Worn or Damaged Torsion Springs

The torsion springs counterbalance the garage door’s weight so the user can open and close it smoothly. Natural deterioration and years of misuse can cause these springs to become worn or damaged, needing immediate replacement—this job is best left to a professional as it can be hazardous to try it yourself.

Worn Out Sections and Panels

Like anything else that experiences regular use, the sections and panels of your door can start showing signs of deterioration over time. This includes cracks, dents, holes, or any other type of damage. If you notice any damage to your door’s sections or panels, it’s best to call a professional immediately so they can make the necessary repairs before the damage worsens.

Also, Read – Breakdown of Costs for Garage Door Replacement or Repairs

How Garage Door Maintenance Helps Commercial Property Owners Avoid Hefty Repair Costs

As a commercial property owner, you know that maintaining your property is essential to keeping it in good condition and avoiding costly repairs. But did you know that garage door maintenance is also essential?

Your garage door is one of your property’s most frequently used components and is subject to a lot of wear and tear. Neglecting proper garage door maintenance can lead to expensive repairs down the line. That’s why creating and following a regular maintenance schedule is essential.

Here are four garage door maintenance tips that every commercial property owner should follow:

A damaged garage door

Inspect your garage door regularly

At least once a month, look closely at your door to check for signs of damage. Look for cracks in the door, loose hardware, and rust. If you notice any damage, repair it as soon as possible.

Keep your garage door clean

It’s essential to keep both the garage door interior and exterior clean. A well-maintained, clean door is visually appealing and more resistant to rust and debris accumulation. To clean the outside of the door, use a soft cloth dampened with soapy water. For the inside of the door, use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to remove dust and dirt buildup.

Lubricate your garage door regularly

Lubricating your door helps keep it operating smoothly and reduces noise levels. Once a month, apply a light coat of lubricant to all moving parts, including hinges, rollers, springs, and tracks. Be sure to wipe away any excess lubricant with a clean cloth.

Check the balance of your garage door

An unbalanced door can lead to premature wear and tear on its components. To check the balance of your door, disconnect the opener from the power source and manually raise or lower the door about halfway. If the door starts to move on its own or feels too heavy, it’s out of balance and needs minor adjustments.

Reasons Why You Should Never, Ever, EVER Attempt DIY Garage Door Repair!

As the old saying goes, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” But when it comes to garage door repair, there is only one way to do it right – and that’s by hiring a professional. Here are the top four reasons why you should never attempt DIY garage door repair:

  1. It is akin to inviting unwarranted danger. Garage doors are cumbersome. And if something goes wrong while repairing, that weight could come crashing down on you. Injuries sustained from garage door repairs gone wrong can range from minor cuts and bruises to serious concussions and even death.
  2. It’s not as easy as it looks. Just because you watched a YouTube video on changing a tire doesn’t mean you should attempt to do your brake job. The same goes for garage door repair. Yes, it might look easy enough, but trust us – it’s not. Multiple moving parts are involved, and if even one of them isn’t working smoothly, it could cause the entire system to fail.
  3. You could damage your property. Attempting to DIY your garage door repair can also damage your home or workplace – especially if you’re not experienced in working with large, heavy objects. One wrong move could easily result in a broken window or worse.
  4. You’ll probably make the problem worse. Even if you don’t cause any physical damage while attempting to repair your garage door, there’s a good chance you’ll end up making the problem worse – and then you’ll have to call a professional anyway. Save yourself time and hassle, and call someone who knows what they’re doing from the start.

No one wants to deal with a broken garage door, especially in the middle of a cold winter night. But it’s important to know whom to call for reliable and affordable repairs when it happens. Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service is your go-to company for any and all overhead door issues in Arlington, TX. We provide free estimates so you can get an idea of what needs to be done before we even start working. Give us a call today, and let us take care of everything for you!

Garage door replacement why DIY doesn't fly. Two men repair a garage door.

Key Takeaways:

  • Replacing your garage door is not a simple task. You need specialized tools and must know how to use them properly. Otherwise, you could damage the door or injure yourself.
  • Garage doors are expensive, and you may not know how to get the best deal if you’re not experienced in home improvement.
  • A professional garage door replacement company will have the experience and knowledge necessary to do the job quickly and efficiently.
  • They can also help you choose the right size, style, and material for your needs.
  • Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service offers garage door installation, repair, and replacement to residential and commercial customers in Roanoke and the surrounding areas.

People do many things around their homes to save money and be self-sufficient. You might also be tempted to try and save a little money by replacing your garage door. After all, it seems like a pretty straightforward procedure, right? Wrong!

Replacing a garage door is not as easy as it looks, and if you do it incorrectly, you could end up with significant damage that will cost you even more money to repair. Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service will discuss why you should never attempt to replace your garage door DIY.

Top Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Replace Your Garage Door Yourself

1. It’s a Big Job

Replacing a garage door is not a small job. It requires significant time, effort, and knowledge to do it correctly. If you’re not experienced in home improvement or construction, you likely won’t be able to do it yourself.

Replacing a garage door requires removing the old one and installing a new one, which is also heavy and unwieldy. It is not a job for someone who is not comfortable working with tools and heavy objects.

2. You Need to Know What You’re Doing

It is a complicated task requiring some skills and experience. Many different parts must be installed correctly for the door to work properly. If even a single piece is installed incorrectly, it could cause the door to malfunction or even fall off its tracks.

3. You Could Damage Your Property

If you don’t know what you’re doing, there’s a good chance you could damage your property while trying to replace your garage door. For example, you could accidentally break a window while removing the old door or damage your car while trying to install the new entry.

4. It Will Take Longer Than You Think

Even if you’re experienced with do-it-yourself projects, replacing a garage door is likely to take longer than you think. It’s not a quick job, and a lot can go wrong. Hiring a garage door professional is best if you’re not prepared for that.

5. It’s Expensive

Garage doors are pretty expensive, depending on your choice of size, style, and material. If you’re not experienced in home improvement, you may not know how to get the best deal on a new door.

Add in the cost of tools and materials, and you’re looking at a significant investment. Hiring a professional is best if you’re uncomfortable doing the job yourself.

Also, read our post on the breakdown of garage door replacement & repair costs.

6. You Need Specialized Tools

You’ll need various specialized tools to replace your garage door, including a power drill, saws, and ladders. If you don’t have these tools already, you’ll need to purchase them, which can add to the project’s cost.

7. You Need to Know the Proper Application of the Tools

Simply having the right tools is not enough. You also need to know how to use them. If you are unfamiliar with the tools, you could damage your door or injure yourself.

8. You Need to Be Familiar with the Parts

You need to be familiar with the different parts of the door and how they work together. This includes springs, cables, pulleys, tracks, and openers. If you do not know what each of these parts does, you will not be able to fix your door correctly.

9. You Need to Be Strong Enough to Lift the Door

Garage doors are heavy, and lifting one can be difficult for someone who is not physically strong. If you try to lift a door that is too heavy for you, you could injure yourself or damage the door itself.

10. You Should Be Able to Follow Instructions

To fix your garage door correctly, you need to be able to follow instructions carefully. It means reading and understanding the manual before beginning any work on the door. If you do not follow instructions carefully, you could make a mistake that will render your repairs useless or even cause further damage to your door.

11. There’s a Risk of Injury

There’s a risk of an accident when working with power tools and climbing ladders. If you’re not experienced in home improvement or construction, you may not know how to use these tools safely. It could result in an accident that could cause serious injuries. Even if you don’t get hurt, there’s a chance you could damage your belongings while working on the project.

12. The Job is Time-Consuming

Replacing a garage door is time-consuming, even for experienced garage door professionals. It typically takes several hours to complete the job from start to finish. It means that if you’re not experienced in home improvement or construction, it could take you significantly longer to complete the job, which could be frustrating, risky, and inconvenient.

13. You May Not Get the Results You Want

If you’re not experienced in home improvement or construction, there’s a risk that you won’t be satisfied with the results of your work. It could mean that your new door isn’t installed correctly or doesn’t look as good as you had hoped.

garage door professional installer will have the experience and knowledge necessary to ensure that your new door is installed correctly. If you’re not satisfied with your DIY project’s results, it could cost more money to hire someone to fix it than it would have been to hire someone in the first place.

Two men repair a garage door

14. It’s Better to Hire a Garage Door Professional

In most cases, it’s better to hire a garage door professional to replace your garage door rather than try to do it yourself. A professional has the necessary skill set to do the job quickly and efficiently and can also help you choose the right size, style, and material for your needs.

Need Garage Door Replacement in Roanoke, TX?

Regardless of your garage door needs, Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service serving Roanoke, TX, is here to help. We have a wide range of doors to choose from and all the supplies and equipment necessary for the job. We proudly offer competitive rates without compromising on the quality or service. So whether you need a new installation, repair, or replacement of your garage door, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

We’ll be happy to provide you with a free estimate for the work.

Garage Door Opener

Key Takeaways:

  • Garage door openers are not one-size-fits-all. Depending on your garage door’s style, model, and features, you can find an opener that is perfect for you and your family.
  • Upgraded garage door openers can help improve the security and value of your home.
  • They can also help you save money on your energy bills and easily move in and out of your home.
  • New garage door openers offer new and advanced features for your home and are worth the investment.

If you’re like many American homeowners, you probably use your garage door opener every day. It’s a convenient way to get in and out of your home without having to manually open and close the door.

With the advancement in technology, these gadgets have significantly improved. If you still use an outdated opener, then upgrading to a new one will improve your life and make your residence safer in various ways. 

In this blog post, Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service will discuss the benefits of upgrading your garage door opener and give you some pointers on how to use yours for the best results.

Reason 01: Enhanced Security for Your Home and Garage

There are several ways an automatic garage door can safeguard your home. Many automated garage doors have automatic lighting, which helps deter criminals and enhances visibility in poor weather. Many automatic garage door openers include the additional security features listed below:

  • Automatic locks
  • Anti-theft mechanisms
  • Emergency release handles

Burglars often target garages because homeowners typically store valuable tools and equipment inside. By upgrading your garage door opener, you can help to deter criminals and keep your belongings safe.

A man works on a garage door

Reason 02: Energy Savings

This advice may persuade you to get a new garage door opener if you’re on the fence about it. Considering how little energy these gadgets use, their use won’t dramatically raise your energy costs. Another justification for purchasing a new garage door opener is that the most recent versions use even less energy. A solution that is less expensive for you will benefit you more.

Some recent versions also function with solar power. Despite the slightly higher initial cost of this design, you will eventually save money due to decreased energy costs.

Benefit 03: Quieter Operations

The new garage door openers have a much quieter operation than their predecessors. If your old model is particularly loud, it might wake up someone who is trying to sleep in your home or drown out the television when you’re trying to watch a movie. The newer models use a belt drive system that eliminates this problem by using rubber instead of metal-on-metal contact.

Benefit 04: Safety Features

Typically, garage doors weigh over a hundred pounds and are quite hefty. You don’t want your garage door or opener to malfunction since it might significantly damage your car with all this weight over the entrance to your garage. Even worse, your garage door may injure someone.

The good news is that modern or automatic garage door openers have automatic safety features. Many models come with an infrared sensor that prevents the door from closing if something is in its path. This can prevent serious injury or even death. Other safety features include a sensor that automatically reverses the door if it starts to close and there is an object in the way and a safety stop that prevents the door from closing if it isn’t completely closed.

Benefit 05: No Lack of Power

If you have an old and outdated garage door opener, you may have experienced a power outage causing your door to be stuck in the open position. This can be a major problem if you have a home security system linked to your garage door. If the power or electricity goes out, the door will open and close, setting off the alarm. With an automatic version, there is no risk of this happening. The opener has a backup power supply that will keep it working even if the power goes out.

Benefit 06: Advanced Features

If you are looking for a garage door opener with advanced features, you will want to upgrade to a newer model. Some advanced features that you can find on newer models include remote access, timer settings, and vacation mode. With these features, you can fully control your garage door, even when you are not at home.

Here’s a great article on how to install a garage door opener.

Benefit 07: Wi-Fi Connectivity

One of the latest and greatest features that you can find on some garage door openers is Wi-Fi connectivity. This feature lets you connect your opener to your home Wi-Fi network. This allows you to control your garage door from anywhere in the world.

Benefit 08: Easy Maintenance

The fact that they require relatively minimal maintenance is another advantage of modern automated garage door openers. To maintain your opener in good shape, you should always carry out any maintenance procedures the manufacturer advises.

Benefit 09: Affordable

How much does an electric garage door opener cost? You might think that these gadgets are excessively pricey, given all the practical features described above, but this is not the case. These items deliver a ton of value for the money you pay if you have a family, keep many valuable things in your garage, and use your garage door regularly.

Benefit 10: Easy to Upgrade

It is simple to replace an outdated garage door opener with a more modern one. Most manufacturers include an upgrade kit with all the components required to install the new opener. This makes it a quick and simple operation that doesn’t require a specialist.

Ending Note:

There are many reasons to think about replacing your garage door opener, so why not do so? Whether you’re looking for more convenience, safety, or security, a new garage door opener can offer all that and more. So, don’t wait any longer; upgrade yours today!

Johnny B’s Garage Doors serving Weatherford, TX, will assist you with your garage door replacement needs, no matter what.

We have replaced garage doors of different shapes, sizes, and designs. After inspecting your garage and taking measurements, our technicians will recommend the best replacement solution.

Get a free estimate today!

Costs for Garage Door Replacement or repair

Key Takeaways –

  • Garage door repairs or replacements require professional attention. The technicalities and risks involved mean DIY measures will not do the trick.
  • The repair costs vary depending on the type of garage door and the damage it has sustained.
  • Damages beyond repair will require garage door replacement.
  • You can limit the garage door repair costs by scheduling timely repairs and being on the lookout for potential warning signs.
  • Johnny B’s Garage Door and Service offer premium quality replacement and repair services in Keller, TX.

Your garage door is one of the heaviest pieces of machinery in your home, and it’s also one of the most important. A faulty door can cause all sorts of headaches, from security issues to weather-related problems. So if you’re experiencing any issues with your garage door, it’s best to get them fixed as soon as possible. But what are the costs associated with repairing or replacing a garage door? Keep reading for a breakdown of the average costs for both services.

Average Garage Door Repair Costs – Brief Intros

Garage door installation and repair are not meant for DIY experimentations. These are complex mechanisms with lots of interconnected parts. One wrong move during a spring repair or opener installation and you could end up seriously injuring yourself. Garage doors are deceptively heavy, and they function using tightly coiled springs that require an experienced hand. So, unless you’re a qualified garage door technician, we highly recommend that you leave these jobs to the professionals.

With that said, the average cost to repair a garage door is $200 to $500. This price range covers the most common repairs, such as fixing a broken spring or replacing a damaged panel. Of course, the final cost will depend on the severity of the damage and which parts need replacement. If your door is beyond repair, then you’ll need to replace it entirely.

Want to keep your door in shape? Here are some garage door maintenance tips!

The Style and Types of Residential and Commercial Garage Doors – Brief Intros

When it comes time to replace your garage door, you’ll also need to decide on the style and type of door you want. There are three main door types you may choose from: sectional, rolling code, and one-piece.

Sectional garage doors are the most popular type, thanks to their affordability and durability. Rolling code doors are a close second in terms of popularity, as they offer increased security thanks to their unique access code feature. One-piece are less common but are well-suited for homes with limited space.

As for styles, there are four main types: raised panel, recessed panel, flush panel, and carriage house.

Raised panel garage doors have elevated panes above the opening, while recessed panel doors have panels that are flush with the opening and coordinate with any space. If you prefer a contemporary minimalistic design, then flush panel garage doors are right for you. A flush panel door has no panel or moldings.

The cost of garage door repair or replacement will also vary depending on the material it is made of. The most common materials used for garage doors are wood, steel, aluminum, and fiberglass. Wooden doors are the most expensive type, while steel doors are the most affordable. Aluminum and fiberglass garage doors fall somewhere in the middle in terms of price.

Signs You Need Garage Door Repairs

To limit the costs listed above, you need to pre-empt garage door repair and stay alert for the following signs.

The Garage Door is Slow

Parts such as torsion springs lose their effectiveness as old age sets in. If your garage door is suddenly slow, it might be a sign that the springs need replacement. A sudden drop in the door’s speed could also be due to a programming error, so you might need professional help to determine the cause.

It Has Stopped Working

A garage door is a complex piece of machinery, with various parts working in tandem. If any one of these essential parts breaks down, the entire system could come to a screeching halt. The springs in the door are susceptible to breaking, and if that happens, you need immediate spring repair.

It is Making Noise

If your door is making weird noises, such as grinding, scraping, or squealing, it’s definitely time for some garage door repair. Noise is usually caused by loose hardware, and you can easily fix them by tightening the screws and bolts.

It Opens and Closes Unevenly

Garage door tracks can bend or warp over time with excessive use, which will cause the door to open and close unevenly. This problem can usually be fixed by straightening out the tracks.

Broken Opener

Garage door openers fail due to two fairly common reasons, malfunctions in the logic board and stripped nylon gears. Repairing the opener is usually very costly, and purchasing a new opener altogether may be the right option. Opt for opener repair when you have a manufacturer’s warranty on the product.

Signs You Need Garage Door Replacement

If your garage door is old and outdated, it may be time to replace it. Replacing an old door can give your home an updated look as well as improve its energy efficiency, and boost curb appeal. If your garage door is starting to show its age, it’s probably time for a replacement.

Worn Out Weather-Stripping

Weather-stripping keeps the elements out of your garage and prevents air leaks. Over time, weather-stripping can become dry and cracked, allowing air and moisture to seep in. This problem is easily fixed by replacing the weather-stripping.

Damaged Panels

One of the most common problems with garage doors is damaged panels. Panels can become dented or cracked from normal wear and tear or under severe weather conditions. If one or two panels are damaged, you can usually repair them without replacing the entire door.

Warped Doors

Wooden doors can become warped over time due to changes in temperature and humidity. This problem is most common in areas with extreme temperature changes. If your garage door is warped, it will need replacement.

Garage door repair and replacement can be a costly endeavor. However, by choosing a qualified and experienced company like Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service, you can minimize those costs while still getting optimal services. We offer a wide variety of garage doors that provide security and are also pleasing to the eye, all at affordable prices in Keller, TX.

Contact us today for a free estimate on the perfect garage door for your home or business.

Faux Wood Garage Doors

If you’re looking to gather information on garage door maintenance before replacing yours, you’ve probably realized that many different materials are available. You can go with a standard metal garage door, or you could choose something a little more unique, like a glass garage door.

But have you ever considered faux wood garage doors? Many people don’t realize just how great these doors can be, so we’re here to tell you about them!

1. Aesthetic Appeal

Faux wood garage doors offer the same rich look as natural wood without drawbacks. You can get the beautiful grain pattern and color of wood without worrying about it fading in the sun or warping in the rain.

2. Cost-Effective

The initial investment for a faux wood garage door will be higher than that of a real wood door. But it saves on expenses in the long run because you won’t have to keep repairing or replacing it as often.

3. Customization

When you choose a faux wood garage door, you’re not limited to one style or color. You can find doors that look made of mahogany, cherry, or any other type of wood. And if you want to paint your door, you can do that too!

4. Low Maintenance & Durable

Faux wood garage doors are very low maintenance. You won’t have to sand, stain, or paint them yearly to keep them looking new. If they get dirty, it’s easy to clean them with a damp cloth. Faux wood garage doors are also very durable. They won’t warp, crack, or rot like real wood doors.

5. Energy Efficient

Faux wood garage doors are more energy efficient than other garage doors. They provide better insulation, which can help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Some Maintenance Tips for Faux Wood Garage Doors

Faux wood garage doors require special care to keep them looking new. Here are four garage door maintenance tips to keep that faux wood door in top condition:

  1. When you clean the door with soap, rinse any soap residue with clean water.
  2. Apply a fresh layer of sealant every few years to help protect the door from moisture and sun damage.
  3. If the door shows signs of wear, such as cracks or chipping paint, touch up the areas with matching paint or stain.
  4. Keep an eye on the hardware. Over time, the screws can loosen, and the hinges can get loose. Keeping the hardware tight can prevent the door from sagging or coming off its tracks.

These simple maintenance tips keep your faux wood garage door looking new for years to come.


Faux wood garage doors offer all the beauty of a real wood door without the high price tag or maintenance requirements. When it comes to style, function & durability, faux wood garage doors are a clear choice.

Whether your old garage door is giving you a hard time or you want to revamp your garage – Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service is here for you in Southlake!

We offer a wide range of materials with insulation and other customizable features for you! We are experienced in repairing & replacing garage doors, and we’ll make sure you’re satisfied with our service! Get a free estimate now!

A warehouse with commercial garage doors.

Maintaining your commercial garage doors is important in ensuring they operate safely, efficiently, and smoothly. A regular maintenance routine will help prevent minor issues from becoming major problems and can help extend your doors’ lifespan.

This post will discuss the steps you should take to maintain your commercial garage doors. We will cover everything from cleaning and lubricating the door hardware to inspecting the springs and cables. Follow these steps, and you can be sure your doors will work like new for years to come!

Clean the Dirt and Debris

The first thing you should do to keep your commercial garage doors in good condition is to clean them regularly. Dirt, dust, and debris can gather over time, making it difficult for the doors to move freely. In certain cases, it can lead to the doors becoming stuck.

To avoid this problem, wipe down your doors with a damp cloth every week. If your city witnesses high winds, you may need to do this more often. It will increase your curb appeal and keep your team members safe.

You should also vacuum the tracks monthly to remove any dirt, dust, or debris accumulated there. This will ensure the doors operate smoothly and prevent any potential problems.

Inspect Your Doors

You should always closely check your doors for any signs of wear and tear. If you observe cracks or other damage, getting them repaired as soon as possible is important. Ignoring these problems will lead to further deterioration, and the doors could eventually break off completely.

Lubricate the Moving Parts

This includes the hinges, springs, tracks, and rollers. Use a high-quality lubricant designed for commercial garage doors. Apply it liberally to all of the moving parts.

Tighten the Loose Bolts

Be sure to check the bolts and screws that hold your door together. Over time, these can become loose. If not tightened periodically, they could eventually fall out, causing serious damage to your door. Check the hinges, spring plates, brackets, tracks, and rollers.

Check the Door’s Balance

Your doors should be properly balanced. They must open and close fluidly, without any jerking or sticking. If you notice that your doors are becoming difficult to operate, they are likely out of balance. You can adjust the springs yourself, but it’s best to call a professional if you’re unsure how to do it.

Check the Doors’ Insulation

Ensure that your doors are properly insulated. If they aren’t, you could be wasting much energy and money trying to keep your garage warm in the winter and cool in the summer. You can buy insulation kits at most hardware stores. Follow the instructions closely so that you don’t damage the doors.

These tips will keep your commercial garage doors in good working condition for many years. Avoid costly repairs or replacements by investing a little time in maintenance. Contact a reputable garage door company in your area if you need assistance with repairs or replacement.

If you are seeking a top-quality commercial garage door installation and repair service, look no further than Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service, serving Fort Worth, TX. We offer a wide range of services to meet your specific needs, including:

• Installation of new garage doors

• Repair of existing doors

• Maintenance and tune-ups

• Replacement of parts

Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service is here to help no matter what your commercial garage door needs. We’re a family-owned company with more than ten years of experience, so you can rest assured that we have the knowledge and expertise to get the job done right. 

Get a free estimate!

Carport or Garage?

Your car needs protection from various threats. Sometimes it’s the elements, and other times its criminals. So, do you need a carport or garage? How do you decide which one is right for you?

Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service will weigh in on some of the pros and cons of carport vs. garage to help you determine which one is best for you.

Pros of Carport

Affordable Option for Car Care

A carport is a more affordable option if you are looking for car protection. Regarding price, carports are typically cheaper to build than a garage.

You Can Easily DIY One

A carport’s significant advantage is that it is easier to build than a garage. Carports can also be a great do-it-yourself project if you have some basic construction skills.

Take Less Time to Build

You can quickly build a carport in a matter of a few days. Whether you have taken this as a DIY or hired professionals, this shouldn’t take you more than a week to construct.

Cons of Carport

Lack Versatility

Carports are not as versatile as garages. You can’t use them for storage, and you can’t turn them into living space.

May Not Add Value to The Property

While carports are cheaper than garages, they may not add the same value to your home. If selling your home is a tentative possibility for you, a carport might not be the best investment.

Shorter Lifespan

Carports are not as durable as garages. They’re typically made with lighter-weight materials that are more susceptible to damage from the elements.

Pros of A Garage

Ultimate Protection

A garage offers the ultimate protection for your car. It will protect it from hail, wind, rain, snow, and sun damage while safeguarding from theft and vandalism.

Versatile Space in Home

A garage can be used for more than just storing your car. You can also turn it into a workshop, extra storage space, or even a home gym.

Increase Property Value

Due to its various other advantages, a garage can increase the value of your home by up to 10%

Cons of Garage

Expensive to Build or Convert

Building one from scratch or converting an existing space into one can be expensive if you don’t already have a garage. For starters, you’ll need a garage door installation if you consider sticking with the latter option.

Takes Time to Build

Building a garage is an arduous project that can take weeks or even months to complete.


Where a garage can be relatively expensive to build, it still provides 100% protection against all potential threats. To make it affordable, you can convert an existing fragment of your property into a garage by going for a garage door installation.

You can get top-notch garage door installation service in Burleson, TX, at the most affordable prices at Johnny B’s Garage Doors and Service. Whether a commercial or residential garage, we will install your garage door with ultra-precision.

Get a free estimate for your garage conversion today!